Apart from e-mailing, an even better way to submit digital fine art files for printing is to use a dedicated file hosting service like WeTransfer.
Anything you add to it is automatically uploaded to the Internet. You can share any individual file or subfolder simply by sending a unique URL. Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and JumboMail (for Israel) can also be used. Using one of these services overcomes many of the limitations of e-mail.
Suggested format(s) and recommended procedure for sending digital files
We can work off almost any file type as long as the resolution is high enough for your print size. We will be happy to check your images and advise you.
Professional photographers and artists who edit their own digital files and who are proficient in maintaining in-house color management can rest assured that at ImageLab, their fine art files will receive continued proper handling in this regard. AFTER final editing (and only when you know the data image on your screen is correct), your properly edited files from your calibrated system should be saved and submitted as sRGB picture files (e.g. JPEG). ImageLab will then profile it to the colorspace of the material we are printing on.
ImageLab's equipment also does a terrific job of handling profiles with a larger color space. Should you prefer the latter output quality, please arrange with us to this effect.
A good quility PDF would be an excellent file format for printing non-fine art layouts (like banners or academic posters containing mainly text and/or non-art graphics). A PDF file generated from the program you did the layout in, will lock everything into place as a high-resolution bitmapped image. Be sure to view thoroughly on your monitor before bringing it to us to be sure nothing has disappeared or shifted from the original file. PDF files can be created directly from within most applications. Otherwise, Adobe Acrobat can be used to create them. When generating a PDF, be sure to embed fonts and make sure it is optimized for print (or high-resolution).
Important Notice
You must have the legal right or license to all of the images you upload to or share with ImageLab. Images provided to you by professional photographers or made available through websites, magazines, books or other resources are protected by copyright laws and should not be uploaded or shared in any fashion. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have cleared use of the image with the copyright owner. By submitting an order to ImageLab, you are acknowledging that you own the rights to the submitted image and/or have received permission from the owner.
Does ImageLab supply images?
We recommend the use of a high resolution photo library for your images. We will be happy to facilitate the purchase and download of your chosen image/s. We also have a highly talented design team to help you with your designs and layouts.
Contact us for more information.